Saturday, August 25, 2007

What is THIS?

About an hour ago I noticed this weird bug on window. Is this a cicada?

Here's a close up from inside the house with a AA battery for size reference.

It took off with a loud click. I hope it stays gone because it grossed me out. Why do animals like my house?

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Bottle of Red, Bottle of White

Here are two wines I've drunk and enjoyed recently:

At India Garden, I enjoyed this red from the Sahyadri Valley in Maharashtra, India. I had my usual, Palak Paneer (which I ordered off-menu and medium spicy). Our waiter/owner of the restaurant said he wasn't a wine drinker and couldn't recommend a wine to go with dinner, but I thought this Cab went well with the spice and heat of the dish.

This white I bought at Trader Joe's as part of my splurge of buying a case of wine after I found out I was being laid-off. It's very light and summery and tastes great by itself. I tried to pair it with a chicken pasta salad I made, but the vinaigrette was way too strong for this Pinot. Maybe something with less acidity would have complimented it better.

I was very excited to order the wine at India Garden because there were just two of us and I knew we'd get to take advantage of Ohio's "Merlot to go" law. I gotta remember to do that more often.