I was driving around for a few hours yesterday, which gave me some thinking time, and my mind started to wander to thoughts of Christmas. I didn't think of presents or decorations or even Christmas baking. I thought of the song for my Christmas letter.
The best letters splice the events of the past year with song lyrics. It saves time because half the work is done before you start typing! Here are past songs that provided the better parts of my letters.
My first letter used "Come Clean" by Hilary Duff.
Last year's song was "Rush" by Aly and AJ.
If you know what these songs have in common besides their awesomeness, then you might be able to guess this year's song/artist. The only hint I can give is that it's a breakup song that turns into a duet at the end when the guy that the singer is breaking up with whines, "what about us?"
Also, I found this website that's guaranteed to make my letter writing easier. If I just follow these 10 simple tips, I'm sure to write the best letter ever!